R.I.P. Evelyn Cohen, 1919-2005

Mom just died this evening around 9PM. Thankfully I got to see her a last time just two hours earlier, along with a good friend who came with me. I told her not to worry about me and that everything would be OK even though she didn’t wake up. She also didn’t wake up when I was there earlier today. I’m thankful for the great friends I have who I can depend on for support.

6 thoughts on “R.I.P. Evelyn Cohen, 1919-2005”

  1. Hi, I don't know you, just stumbled across your blog…

    I'd just like to express my condolences, and say that I'm happy you gave her peace of mind before her death, that everything would be alright etc.

    Hope you are happy somehow, if not – it will come after the grief.

    Happy holidays

    Oliver Nielsen, Copenhagen, Denmark

  2. Mike I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I've been following this on your weblog. My thoughts go out to you and I'm glad you have people to help support you. Take care.

  3. Sorry to hear about your loss. My friend is in an almost identical situation. Her husband (also my friend) is getting hospice care starting today.

    If you have the time and inclination check out her website. She wrote books about Caregiving and dealing with loss of loved ones.

    Best Wishes

  4. Evelyn Cohen was a good mom and churned out a good son. She treated me and the demise of my (not recognised) spouse of 20 years, with the same respect and dignity she would have shown to a more traditional coupling. That's nice.

    I received a nice card when my spouse passed.

    In the next couple of days, I'll be making a year-end donation which includes Evelyn's name, at the "Red Cross London Bombings Relief Charitable Fund."

  5. 1/8/06


    I had read earlier about your Mom being in the hospital. My condolences on her passing. It is always hard to say goodbye to a loved one. Your Mom sounded like a cool lady from your post about how she treated your friend's spouse.

    I will say a prayer tonight for the grief to pass quickly and for bright days to come soon.

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