Roxio Support Nightmare

Roxio’s support site is one of the worst I’ve ever had to deal with. They make it nearly impossible to contact them.

Yesterday I converted some QuickTime movies to PSP format using Popcorn 2. The conversion was perfect, except the names appeared in Japanese on the PSP.

It seems that I’ve registered at their site under several different email addresses, including one I haven’t used for a few years. The site wouldn’t allow me to change my login to my gmail address, since it seems that I’ve already registered separately under that address. There’s no way to contact an actual human about that problem and ask to have my different logins consolidated.

Furthermore, their forums don’t allow you to change your email address at all and when you attempt to ask for help, you end up in the same contact form hell which requires you to log in and only lets you request product-related help (which doesn’t list Popcorn). There’s no way to request help with the website.

Finally I found a thread in the forums about that problem & it turns out that it’s a bug on Intel Macs.