Macworld Expo Wrapup

I survived Macworld Expo, although I came home with a cold like I do every time I go there.

I spent most of the day yesterday traveling. I left San Francisco at 11AM and was stuck several hours in Dallas/Ft Worth. My connecting flight was at the other end of the airport, although I had at least two hours between flights. Unfortunately the second flight was delayed more than an hour because the flight before it at the same gate was delayed. Once we got on the plane, we waited 45 minutes for the baggage to get loaded. I finally got home after 1AM.

I won an iPod Shuffle at one of the booth give-aways and got 4 free T-shirts. The shuffle was great for traveling home. Instead of packing it in the carry on bag, I simply wore it. On one of the flights, the man next to me was watching a DVD on a Sony Vaio. Soon after he started playing the DVD, he got a Blue Screen of Death and had to reboot Windows XP. I managed to keep from laughing out loud.

There were some really great looking games at the gaming booth in the North Hall. Prey, which won a Macworld Best of Show, looked really awesome. I’ll definitely buy it when it ships. I did buy XIII, a first person shooter with very innovative comic book style graphics.

MacAlly was showing the keyboard I always wanted for my Mac Mini. It’s a bluetooth keyboard with a built-in trackpad, so I can easily use it from across the room.

I looked at cameras from HP and Nikon and I really liked them. I’ve always owned Canon cameras and I’ve been thinking of getting an A630 to replace my A75. I like the A75’s battery life and that it uses easily available AA batteries, but I’d like something more compact. After looking at some of the PhotoSmart & Coolpix models I’ll most likely buy one of those instead of another Canon.