Drupal 6.0 has finally been released. This weekend I will probably start working on upgrading MacMegasite, since it will be a lot more straightforward than worldbeatplanet or my2unz, which depend on a lot of extra modules for content types and features.
Some of the enhancements in Drupal 6.0 I’m especially excited about include:
- Simplified administration: instead of entering weight values to reorder menus & blocks, you can drag and drop to rearrange them.
- OpenID support: I can allow logins using OpenID to simplify registration.
- Improved theming: Themes use less PHP code, so most customization can be done only with CSS & HTML templates.
- Improved security
- Improved performance
Drupal releases a whole new release (x.0) every year? Wow, impressive. I wish WordPress updated at that pace 🙂