Beware of [self init]

In a new app I’m working on, I created a series of lightweight cocos2d sprite subclasses which simply call the superclass init with some parameters. As soon as I called it I ended up crashing with a weird looking stack trace showing lots of nested calls to init methods.

Screen shot 2011-03-06 at 2.18.44 PM.png

My init methods were pretty simple:

@implementation Gummybear

-(id)init {
    return [super initWithName: @"gummybear.png"];


My superclass’s init method used CCSprite’s initWithSpriteFrameName: method.

- (id)initWithName: (NSString*)name
    self = [super initWithSpriteFrameName:name];
    if (nil != self) {
		// do some more initialization here
    return self;

It ultimately ends up calling initWithTexture:, which is where the problem lies. It turns out initWithTexture: is calling [self init]. Guess which init method was getting called?

-(id) initWithTexture:(CCTexture2D*)texture rect:(CGRect)rect
	NSAssert(texture!=nil, @"Invalid texture for sprite");
	// IMPORTANT: [self init] and not [super init];
	if( (self = [self init]) )
		[self setTexture:texture];
		[self setTextureRect:rect];
	return self;

The fix was to simply change the name of my init method to something else.

3 thoughts on “Beware of [self init]”

  1. Seems like calling [self init] is a bug in this case and should be reported as such to cocos2d project where it should be changed. Just too likely to cause exactly this problem. I asked @bbum for an opinion because I'm not 100% sure (it's late)… hopefully he'll feel like enlightening us 🙂

  2. So @bbum says your fix was the right one and it's not a bug like my foggy brain wanted to believe. Thanks @bbum! (feel free to delete both these comments as they don't add value)


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