In a new app I’m working on, I created a series of lightweight cocos2d sprite subclasses which simply call the superclass init with some parameters. As soon as I called it I ended up crashing with a weird looking stack trace showing lots of nested calls to init methods.
My init methods were pretty simple:
@implementation Gummybear
-(id)init {
return [super initWithName: @"gummybear.png"];
My superclass’s init method used CCSprite’s initWithSpriteFrameName: method.
- (id)initWithName: (NSString*)name
self = [super initWithSpriteFrameName:name];
if (nil != self) {
// do some more initialization here
return self;
It ultimately ends up calling initWithTexture:, which is where the problem lies. It turns out initWithTexture: is calling [self init]. Guess which init method was getting called?
-(id) initWithTexture:(CCTexture2D*)texture rect:(CGRect)rect
NSAssert(texture!=nil, @"Invalid texture for sprite");
// IMPORTANT: [self init] and not [super init];
if( (self = [self init]) )
[self setTexture:texture];
[self setTextureRect:rect];
return self;
The fix was to simply change the name of my init method to something else.
Seems like calling [self init] is a bug in this case and should be reported as such to cocos2d project where it should be changed. Just too likely to cause exactly this problem. I asked @bbum for an opinion because I'm not 100% sure (it's late)… hopefully he'll feel like enlightening us
So @bbum says your fix was the right one and it's not a bug like my foggy brain wanted to believe. Thanks @bbum! (feel free to delete both these comments as they don't add value)
They did it because all of the real initialization is done in CCSprite's init method as the designated initializer.