I must be the only one who isn’t happy about California legalizing gay marriage.
We have a marriage ‘protection’ amendment on the ballot here in November. This decision in California is a dream come true for the amendment’s supporters. It will energize their base with the fear of it happening here and help them get out the vote. This means a much bigger Republican turnout.
Although Obama is already expected to lose Florida, this will almost certainly guarantee it and by a much bigger margin.
California could have done us (and the entire country) a big favor if they had waited until after the election to make this decision.
And Florida could do the rest of the country a lot of good by not being reactionary dumbasses. That California should have postponed a decision on a fundamental human rights issue (equal protection under the law) because some people in some other state are troglodytes is just ludicrous.
Get the people in Florida who aren't mouthbreathers out to vote come November. Perhaps that will help.