FOOD FIGHT!!!!!!!!

Must be a slow news day

What the custodians at Glenwood Middle School were shoveling Wednesday wasn’t snow.

It was taco salad, chocolate pudding, milk and other items – the remnants of a massive eighth-grade food fight in the school cafeteria.

The extent of the mess was such that custodians used snow shovels to clear it away.

Silly Sunday Quiz: Are You A Metrosexual?

Are You A Metrosexual? Don’t worry if, despite scholars in Michigan voting it one of 2003’s most over-used and useless words, you don’t know what it is – you might still be! (For men only, unfortunately. What would the female equivalent be?) []

My score is 9/50! I’m probably the geekiest gay man alive & maybe the only one with no fashion sense & who doesn’t give a crap about my appearance.

Attacking the Spammer Business Model


Inspired by this story, I wrote a little script which I named spamslam:

for ((i=0;i<$1;++i));
    do echo curl -s $2 ; curl -s $2 >/dev/null;

When I get a piece of spam, I find the URL of their web site and append some nasty message to it and then run this script to repeatedly issue that request, which will leave a nasty little message in their server logs.