Removr 1.0.4 is now available

Version 1.0.4 has been approved and is now ready for sale. I strongly recommend updating to this version since it fixes the crash in OS 3.1.3. I also added a few levels, bringing the total number of levels up to 87.

I got a refurbished iPod Touch that still has iOS 3 for testing & development. I’ve verified that Removr 1.0.4 does indeed run with no problems in 3.1.3, as well as the rest of my apps.

Refurbished iPod Touch

Removr 1.0.4 has been submitted

I’ve submitted Removr 1.0.4, which fixes the crash on devices running iOS 3.1.3. I also made some internal changes to support an upcoming feature in the next update.

The crash was caused by Cocos2d using blocks by default when building with the iOS 4.x SDK, despite setting the minimum iOS target version to 3.1. Since blocks aren’t available in iOS 3.1, the app won’t load. I was able to fix it by simply adding ‘-DNS_BLOCKS_AVAILABLE=0‘ to Other C Flags in the build settings.

I’m now using the latest version of Cocos2d, which renames several class & method names. More importantly, I’ve added a UIViewController to manage the OpenGL view, which will allow me to support Game Center and other features in upcoming versions.

Catching up

I apologize for not blogging since WWDC. I’ve been busy catching up with work. There’s a lot of NDA stuff I can’t talk about, along with some secret stuff at work. I’ve also been busy with Removr. The game levels are playable & the menu screens work, but it still needs level maps & sound effects.

I’m still waiting to hear if my offer on that condo in San Leandro was accepted. I was supposed to find out yesterday, but the seller seems reluctant and is waiting to review additional offers. Keeping my fingers crossed.

The night before WWDC

I’m really excited about WWDC, which starts tomorrow. I’ll probably go to sleep early, so I can get up at 5AM to wait in line for the keynote. Today I went on the pilgrimage to the Apple Company store in Cupertino.

1 Infinite oop

Yesterday I met with a realtor and looked at several places in San Leandro. I found one that I really liked, which I’m still waiting to hear from.

I found a place I like

Unfortunately I’ve been sick with an upset stomach since I arrived here. To top it off, I chipped a tooth today. Hopefully I’ll be able to hold out until I get home so I won’t have to miss any part of WWDC.

Some iPads Can't Take the Heat

Via NYT > Technology:

Some Apple iPads are overheating in the sun, although its unclear if this is a widespread problem or confined to a small percentage of iPads.

This happened to me a few times when I was sitting outside in the sun with my iPad. It will suddenly shut down and show a temperature warning screen.

Another sign that Flash is dying

Via MacNN | The Macintosh News Network:

Google dealt a snub to Adobe on Friday with a tribute to the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man. Despite sharing stage time with Adobe just this week, a playable version of Pac-Man on the page works with both the iPad and iPhone — revealing that it’s not using Flash. Apple’s phones and other touchscreen devices instead use swipe gestures to steer the classic arcade game….