Backup Strategies

John Gruber writes about his recent hard disk crash:

Hard drives are fragile. Read as much as you can bear to about how they work, how incredibly precisely they must operate in order to cram so many bits onto such small disks. It’s a miracle to me that they work at all. Every hard drive in the world will eventually fail. Assume that yours are all on the cusp of failure at all times. It’s good to be spooked about how long your hard drives will last.

Luckily he had good backups, which saved his butt.

Merlin Mann gives more hints on smart backup strategies:

Perform automated, redundant, and rotated backups as often as you can afford to lose every single bit of information that’s been changed or added since your last backup. Because it’s going to go away.

This is exactly why I prefer CrashPlan instead of Time Machine. CrashPlan will automatically backup to multiple destinations, which can include both a local drive and CrashPlan Central, which provides off-site backups for extra security. Unlike Time Machine, which doesn’t work well on network drives other than a Time Capsule, CrashPlan is perfectly happy backing up over the network, which is a big plus for laptops.

CrashPlan is only one part of my backup strategy. Although I use it to back up my MacBook continuously, I use Time Machine on my iMac with a FireWire drive since it stays on my desk. I also use DropBox to sync most of my critical folders between my iMac and MacBook. I also do regular full drive backups with SuperDuper.

Blogger integrity

When I got up this morning before my flight I was shocked to read this announcement at TechCrunch and Daniel’s response. Adam Jackson wrote one of the most reasoned responses with some good advice for Daniel.

I’ve known Daniel Brusilovsky for several years and I work with him as CTO of Teens In Tech Networks. I know he’s a good person and I find it hard to believe he would do this. I’ve heard several conflicting stories and I haven’t talked to Daniel yet, so I don’t know the real story. I’ve also heard from more than one source that it didn’t actually involve a MacBook Air.

I’m not a fan of Michael Arrington or TechCrunch. He loves to create drama (see the CrunchPad/JooJoo). When he has an axe to grind he’ll go out of his way to dig up unfavorable stories about a company and he usually ends up looking more like the Drudge Report than an impartial news source.

I wasn’t too thrilled when Daniel started working for TechCrunch for that reason. I was afraid he’d get caught up in some of Arrington’s drama and that’s exactly what happened.

What he allegedly did was wrong, but he’ll learn from it and move on. It’s not an isolated incident. There have been several Pay Per Post schemes which are very similar to what he supposedly did.

San Francisco

I’m leaving tomorrow for San Francisco to attend Teens in Tech Conference and Macworld Expo, as well as looking at some apartments in the city. I was lucky enough to get a non-stop flight from FLL to SFO (and with onboard WiFi).

My car (a 2009 Toyota Corolla) is on the recall list, so I’ll have to deal with it when I get back from the trip. I’m hoping I’ll be able to get out of the lease without too much trouble so I can get something not made by Toyota.

A use for that XO Laptop

If you bought an XO laptop through their Give One Get One program, it’s probably sitting and gathering dust. You can finally make it useful. The OLPC foundation is requesting that unused XO laptops be sent to Haiti. That’s what I’ll be doing with mine.

Dear G1G1er,

At the end of 2007 you participated in the Give One Get One program of One Laptop per Child (OLPC). Thanks to you and others like you, 75,000 laptops went to Rwanda, Ethiopia, Mongolia, Cambodia, Oceania, the West Bank, and Haiti.

An additional 75,000 laptops came into the USA as part of the “get” side of the equation. In some cases those laptops have since been put into closets for one reason or another.

We are gathering additional used XO laptops to send to Haiti. If you or the child to whom you gave the laptop is no longer using it, we appeal again to your generosity and ask you to send it to the address below (even if it is broken).

615 Westport Parkway #500
Grapevine, TX 76051

75% of the schools in Port-au-Prince have been destroyed in the recent earthquake, but by good fortune, none of our Haitian team was hurt. They have spare parts and OLPC technical staff and teachers, and stand prepared to deploy these XOs.

Because of the XO’s unique features (sunlight readability, solar powered, water resistant, drop proof), it is also an ideal tool for relief work.

If your XO is in use, please ignore this email. We only want your broken or unused XOs.


Nicholas Negroponte

A guide for moving to San Francisco

Adam Jackson’s One Year in San Francisco series is a good guide for anyone considering a move to San Francisco.

My requirements are a bit different, though. I’d prefer to own a condo, rather than rent an apartment; and I need at least a 2 bedroom with 1000 sq. ft. or more so I can set up a home office. I’d prefer to live outside the city, but with easy access by Bart so I wouldn’t have to take my car into the city. I only took a car into San Francisco once, and I regretted it after I had to spend $20 to park.

Cab hits Cable Car

When I went out this evening to find someplace to have dinner, I encountered this scene on Powell Street near Market Street. If you’re not familiar with San Francisco, Powell Street ends at the cable car turnaround on Market Street, where no cars are allowed on the last block. That’s exactly where this cab hit the cable cars.

According to witnesses, the cab’s brakes failed and he lost control. Fortunately no one was seriously injured, although both the cab and a cable car were damaged.


I’ve posted a full gallery here. I’ve also posted many more San Francisco pictures here.

San Francisco

I haven’t had a chance to do much blogging since I got to San Francisco, but I took lots of pictures yesterday. You can see the full gallery here.

Here’s a D-movie I took of the cable car turnaround at Powell & Market Streets.

I spent today with a realtor looking at homes & condos in the east bay. I saw one that I really liked in the San Leandro / Oakland area. I’ll be meeting her again Wednesday to look at homes in the San Mateo area.