PicSlide for iPad submitted

I have submitted PicSlide 1.5, a universal application that will run on both iPad and iPhone/iPod Touch running OS 3.0 or later. On the iPad, it supports all screen orientations and gives you 3 additional board sizes (10×10, 12×12, and 16×16). It probably won’t be approved until at least Apr. 3 when the iPad ships.

PicSlide coming to the iPad

PicSlide will be the first of my apps to be ported to the iPad. I’ll probably have a universal version that will support both iPhone/iPod Touch & iPad and properly handle the different user interfaces.

The most notable change for the iPad will be support for larger board sizes – 10×10, 12×12, and 16×16, which will only be available when running on an iPad.

PicSlide update coming soon

I have a minor update to PicSlide that I’ll probably submit later this week. I’ve made a few refinements to the user interface, most notably moving the picture chooser to the main menu instead of the settings screen. I’ve also increased the difficulty levels by increasing the number of times it shuffles the pieces in all levels except easy. When version 1.2 is approved, the price will return to $1.99.

After I get my iPad, I will release another update that will take advantage of the larger screen.

ICHC Road Map

Now that ICHC 2.0 was approved, I’m starting on 2.1, which has one very major change: instead of my scraped feed, which goes down pretty often, it will use the new Cheezburger Content APIs. Other features I’m planning are full iPad support and sharing LOLs on FaceBook or Twitter. I will most likely release an update which only switches it to the new APIs, since that’s a fairly urgent change.

I haven’t abandoned PicSlide. My plans for it include additional photo sources such as Flickr recent & interesting, defaulting to medium instead of easy level, as well as full iPad support and maybe additional puzzle sizes for the iPad.

ICHC 2.0 Progress Report

Today I fixed the two major crashes in ICHC 2.0 (one of them, thanks to the server being down). There are only a few remaining things before I submit it, and hopefully I’ll get a chance to take care of them this weekend and submit it next week.

Here are my todo items:

  • Add a login button to the create window (pro version only)
  • Adding favorites adds the wrong item (need to use Asset ID rather than LOL ID)
  • Change the “tap to play movie” graphic
  • Run with instruments to find memory leaks

Plus of course more testing.

I also have some features planned for 2.1 which I’ll start as soon as this is submitted, in particular to use the new featured content retrieval API rather than my scraped feed and make sure it’s fully iPad compatible.

My thoughts on the iPad

The iPad looks awesome, and of course I want one, but most likely I won’t get an iPad for one reason: it can’t replace either my MacBook or iPhone, so I’d have to travel with three different devices. I would definitely get an iPad rather than a Kindle or Nook, if I did get an eBook reader.

Since the iPad doesn’t have a camera and isn’t usable as a phone, I still need an iPhone. Since it can’t run Mac software I need such as XCode and web development software such as Coda or BBEdit (or MarsEdit, which I’m using now), I’ll still need to use my MacBook.