HDR Photo of the day

I took a few more pictures for HDR processing tonight. This time I used my new tripod, which is a lot more stable & solid than my old 48″ tripod (which I just sold), so I was able to position the shots more accurately.

HDR 3-30-08 1

You can see the rest of them at my HDR set at Flickr.

I also posted a screencast demonstrating how I produce HDR images at techblast.tv.

HDR Photo of the day

I’ve been doing more experimentation with HDR processing. I really like the glow effect I got in this one. Since Aperture 2.1 now supports editing plugins, it would be great if Photomatix made a tone mapping & merge to HDR plugin for Aperture, so I wouldn’t have to export to Photoshop as I do now.


More HDR photos

I’ve been trying out more HDR processing using the Photomatix tone mapping plugin in Photoshop.

Here’s one I took tonight, using 5 exposures at -2.0, -1.0, 0, +1.0, and +2.0EV.

HDR Sunset

Here’s one I took a few days ago, using only 3 exposures at -2.0, 0, and +2.0EV.


Nikon VR lenses are great

I wanted to take pictures of tonight’s sunset, but it was already getting late and it was pretty dark. I grabbed the camera and went out without a tripod. I managed to take this fairly passable shot with my new 55-200mm VR lens at 2.2 seconds just by resting the camera against the building.


HDR with Photomatix plugin

Here’s an HDR image I created from three raw images. I imported them into Photoshop, used the ‘Merge to HDR’ automation, and adjusted the color, luminance & contrast with the Photomatix tone mapping plugin. The flowers moved slightly between the shots, resulting in some ghosting around the edges.

Orchid HDR

Tone Mapping

I bought the Tone Mapping plugin for Photoshop from Photomatix, which lets me do some amazing enhancements to my raw images. It takes a 16-bit per channel RGB image and lets you enhance the contrast, color saturation, and luminance range. The effect can be intense with a single raw image, but with a merged HDR image the results are simply stunning.

Here’s what I was able to do with a picture I took a few days ago using only a single raw image.

Bird in garden
Tone Mapped Image

New Lens

I got a Nikkor 55-200mm f/4-5.6 VR lens for my D40x.

New Lens New Lens

So far this is my favorite lens. It’s bigger and heavier than the kit lens but it’s easier to use than the 50mm f/1.8 since it supports auto focus with my camera. The vibration reduction lets me use slower shutter speeds.
