They just don't care

A lot of people were wondering what the building behind McCain during his speech last night was. Talking Points Memo solved the mystery – it’s Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, CA.

An even bigger mystery is why they chose that picture. I’m guessing it went something like this:

Speech Writer: Get me a picture of the Walter Reed Medical Center.

Flunky 1: OK, I’ll do an image search on Google.

Flunky 1: Here’s a good one.

Flunky 2: I don’t think that’s the Walter Reed Medical Center.

Speech Writer: Ah hell… at least it has “Walter Reed” in the name. Go with it anyway. Nobody will know the difference.



This comes awfully close to a racial slur. Even today in the south you rarely hear the word “uppity” not followed by the N-word. I’m sure most of his target audience mentally added that word to his remark.

Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term “uppity” to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday.

Westmoreland was discussing vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s speech with reporters outside the House chamber and was asked to compare her with Michelle Obama.

“Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they’re a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they’re uppity,” Westmoreland said.

Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”


From an intercepted email:

Here’s what we do. We put a woman with very little real, meaningful experience on the ticket with McCain. Make sure she’s an “average soccer mom.” Preferably someone with some personal baggage to draw attacks from the left.

Put her on the ticket and wait for the Dems to take the bait and begin debating her qualifications and all the reasons she should/should not even be on the ticket. We rally our base by making sure she’s an evangelical who opposes abortion in any circumstance. That is bound to get some women fighting over when, exactly, life begins.

Let’s make sure she has a big family with at least one teenager with personal issues, so we can rally the suburban soccer mom base that we desperately need to get out and work for us. After all, doesn’t every one of them have a child who didn’t follow their advice? Can’t every one of our base totally relate to how unfair it would be to hold that child’s bad judgment against a working mom?

Then we just sit back and watch as America completely ignores the mortgage crisis, the men and women dying in Iraq, the consequences of global warming, the failures of our educational system, the 40 million Americans without health insurance. No one will pay any attention to any of these “important” issues now! It’s perfect.

President McCain. Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?

Funny thing is, I bet Vice President Quayle will have major episodes of deja vu this fall.

How sweet it is.


Who the f*** is Sara Palin?

Sarah Palin? I’m sure McCain could have found a more experienced woman like Elizabeth Dole.

McCain’s choice is such obvious pandering to the 20 or so disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters who haven’t come to their senses. He found someone already tainted with scandal and with less experienced than Obama. As a creationist and anti-choice candidate, she’s also aimed at the theocratic base that wasn’t comfortable with McCain.

Experience isn't very important

McCain and the Republicans like to emphasize Obama’s lack of experience, but they don’t mention that George W. Bush had even less experience when he was elected. Jimmy Carter also had very little experience when he was elected. You could even say George Washington had no government experience before he became president.

Being able to inspire & motivate people is a huge advantage. The fact that Obama is well liked overseas will be a huge boost to our international relations.

We need to repair our reputation in the world, which Bush damaged so badly. We can’t stand alone; we need the rest of the world’s cooperation. A president who will bully & threaten other world leaders and lose his temper will make the rest of the world less willing to cooperate with us. A likable & charismatic leader with good negotiating skills will raise the world’s opinion of us and strengthen our alliances.

Forgetting the past

We’re always told to remember the past, but I’ve come to believe it’s the wrong idea. Sometimes forgetting the past is a good thing.

Yesterday I got a forwarded email about previous Democratic presidents’ records on Social Security and other issues, although it says nothing about Obama. You can’t judge a current candidate by earlier presidents. Obama is not Johnson, Carter, or Clinton. There’s no reason to believe he’ll follow similar policies.

Similarly, Republicans like to bring up Lincoln to play up their commitment to civil rights. That’s completely wrong and irrelevant since today’s Republican party has nothing in common with Lincoln’s party, and today’s Republicans, including McCain, have actively opposed civil rights.

The only way we will have real peace is by forgetting the past and moving on. As long as people will keep dredging up something another group’s ancestors did to their ancestors a few hundred years ago, old grudges will never die and we’ll never be able to stop fighting.

VP Prediction

I’m pretty certain it will be Joe Biden.

Via Political Wire:

CNN — which has had a camera trained on Sen. Joe Biden’s home all day — reports there is now “a flurry of activity” there.

“Cars have recently pulled into the driveway — including a police car — and Biden’s daughter, son, and wife are now believed to be inside.”