3 thoughts on “DMB New Studio Album”

  1. after watching the very brief video clip on the new studio album website, i am torn between old g
    good dmb and the new not so good dmb. i loved the very meloncholy lillywhite sessions and
    before the crowded streets but hated much of everyday. i can understand why the band might want
    to start changing their sound, but i don't think they should go in a completly new direction.
    After listening to sweet up and down, jtr, and monkey man, three really cool and complete songs
    i think that is the direction they might want to go. but i still think the band is great and
    they wont let their fans down.

  2. i think the new dmb album will have a fresh sound, along with the new songs they played this
    summer i look forward to a great summer tour!

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