Shame on Dunkin’ Donuts for pulling their ad featuring Rachel Ray because right-wing douchebag Michell Malkin says her frilly black & white scarf looks like Yasser Arafat’s kaffiyeh.

Never mind that a kaffiyeh is merely a piece of wardrobe worn by most people in the Arab world, which has nothing to do with political beliefs. It takes a big stretch of imagination to even suggest that Rachel Ray’s frilly scarf vaguely resembles a kaffiyeh.
I plan to join the boycott against Dunkin’ Donuts. No more Sunday morning coffee & bagels from them.
Hi All: Please sign a petition to tell Dunkin Donuts we don’t believe Rachel Ray’s scarf is a terrorist symbol and that we’re disappointed in their decision to pull their ad and capitulate to the hysterical fringe of the right-wing blogosphere: