Header Graphic

I’ve added a simple hack to the default Kubrick theme which displays a random header graphic. Here’s how it works. I added the following function to the top of header.php:

NOTE: this must come AFTER the doctype & html lines.

function header_graphic() {
echo "/images/";
echo "kubrickheader".$num.".jpg";

Next, I changed the style element for header as follows:

#header { background: url("< ?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); header_graphic(); ?>") no-repeat bottom center; }

Finally, I saved several header graphics in my image directory named kubrickheader0.jpg through kubrickheader7.jpg.

If you’d like to see the different graphics, here they are:


UPDATE: I should have specified that the code needs to come after the first two lines in header.php. I also added links for the two new pictures I added after I posted the article.

12 thoughts on “Header Graphic”

  1. Mike, your solution looks easy. Famous last words… 🙂

    Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. I cut and past the php function and put it at the very top of my header.php file (the one in the themes/default directory).

    I then replaced the uncommented line that starts with #header in the same header.php file with the header element shown.

    I placed 9 images named kubrickheader0.jpg through kubrickheader9.jpg in the themes/default/images directory.

    Now, my header is just a blue box and the footer is a gray box. I didn't think I did anything to the footer.

    What did I do wrong?

  2. Mike, your solution looks easy. Famous last words… 🙂

    Clearly, I'm doing something wrong. I cut and past the php function and put it at the very top of my header.php file (the one in the themes/default directory).

    I then replaced the uncommented line that starts with #header in the same header.php file with the header element shown.

    I placed 9 images named kubrickheader0.jpg through kubrickheader9.jpg in the themes/default/images directory.

    Now, my header is just a blue box and the footer is a gray box. I didn't think I did anything to the footer.

    What did I do wrong?

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