I’ve been having lots of grief with WorldBeatPlanet for the last two days. I exceeded the monthly bandwidth of the hosting service I used in less than a week since I went live with the PHPNuke-based site.
Last week, I signed up for another hosting service when I suspected there may be a problem, but they turned out to be the biggest bozos I’ve ever dealt with. We started out on the wrong foot, when I accidentally created two accounts and was billed twice. It only got worse from there. I immediately put in a trouble ticket asking for the extra charge to be removed and for the extra account to be deleted. That request (entered on 4/7) is still open, and they haven’t responded to any of my emails. They also don’t answer their phone.
They also didn’t provide any information on how to access my site and upload files without transferring my DNS servers and waiting for the change to take effect. Every other service I’ve used has always provided some other way to access the site, so I can upload everything and have it all set up before the DNS change becomes active.
I finally switched over the DNS servers yesterday and got everything set up. Today, when I logged on to the site administration screen, I found that I’m no longer allowed to administer my domain.
I’m now looking for another hosting service. If you know of anyone who provides PHP & MySQL hosting for under $10/month and will allow about 3-4Gb/month of traffic, let me know.