Links for 2011-5-15 through 2011-5-17

Links for 2011-5-15 through 2011-5-17:

  • Six unexpected uses for the Application Switcher | Business Center | Working Mac | Macworld You’ve probably got the basics of the Application Switcher down pat by now: press Command-Tab to see a bar full of running-application icons and keep Command down as you tap the Tab key to quickly switch to the application of your choice. But, as with everything on the Mac, the Application Switcher can do more than you might guess.
  • Where The Rants Go – Programming, M_____F_____ I think I'm going to create the ultimate software development methodology. It'll be revolutionary compared to others because it will focus on the one thing that gets software done. Its entire focus will be this one, glorious, completely useful activity for writing software. It's name even embodies the perfection of this programming methodology. The name is:

    Programming, Motherfucker

  • Free Faces This is a website dedicated to free fonts that are readily available on the web that I use regularly and would like to share. Of course free fonts aren't always the best option and good typography isn't just about pretty fonts, but there are a few out there that are more than worth a look, and I have featured some of my favourites here.
  • Lost Type Co-op The Lost Type Co-Op is a Pay-What-You-Want Type foundry, the first of it's kind.

    Founded by Riley Cran and Tyler Galpin, originally in a whirlwind 24 hour adventure to distribute a single typeface, Lost Type has blossomed into a full fledged foundry, distributing fonts from designers all over the world, with it's unique model.

  • Weekend project, 30 minutes marketing? Spend at least as much time marketing your project, as you did building it, if not more. Email bloggers, run contests, reach out to people on Twitter, etc. I'm no marketing guru, and I'm looking for great marketing strategies as much as everyone else, but I am convinced that the following is true: If you put in the time, the people will follow. If you build for two days, you should spend two days reaching out to people and helping them find out why your product, site, whatever is amazing.

Posted by Postilicious

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