Local teen dies after being wounded in Tel Aviv

On April 17, Daniel Wultz of Weston captured international attention after he and his father, Tuly, were injured during a Passover trip to Israel. Tuly Wultz was dining with his devout son on the patio of the kosher Mayor’s Falafel when a suicide bomber, thought to be a member of the Islamic Jihad, blew up a bag of explosives and nails. Ten people were killed and about 60 were hurt.

After many surgeries, more prayers and an immeasurable amount of hope, Daniel died Sunday, a month after shrapnel tore through his body.

Members of Daniel Wultz’s tightknit school and religious community were shocked to learn of the 16-year-old’s death. Family and friends visited the young basketball player and asked for prayers on Web sites as his condition first seemed to improve, then deteriorated. They shuddered when he lost part of a leg and gasped when he lost his life, a victim of a terrorist act.

“Daniel really put up a fight because he really wanted to live,” said Debbie Gober, vice president of Daniel’s high school, David Posnack Hebrew Day School. “This was a tragedy. It’s not the news you want to hear on Mother’s Day.” (excerpted from Sun-Sentinel story)

This cycle of violence needs to stop. We don’t need more attacks in retaliation. Instead we need peace talks & negotiation. Both sides have the right to coexist and need to acknowledge that. Although Israel has done plenty to provoke the Palestinians by displacing them from their land and not allowing them to live as full members of society, it doesn’t give them the right to kill innocent people.

I hear the same intense hatred coming from both sides and as long as they keep their intolerant attitude this will never change. Violence solves nothing. There needs to be peace talks to clear the air and work out their differences. They have no choice but to learn to get along. The Palestinians need to be allowed to live as full-fledged members of Israeli society with the right to work and live wherever they want and in return they need to stop suicide attacks on innocent people.