Macworld Day 3

The only place I could find good connectivity in Moscone South is the corridor outside the exhibit hall. My hotel’s Wifi sucked even worse than usual – I couldn’t obtain an IP address at all.

Instead of buying the overpriced food in Moscone, I took a walk to Metreon for lunch. They have a really cool game floor, where kids play by walking, jumping, and stomping on the active surface. They also have an iPod vending machine.

I really like Guitar Hero 3 on the Mac, but I probably won’t buy it, since I already own it for the Wii (not to mention trying to get it home on my flight).

We had the 23rd annual Netter’s Dinner at Hunan on Sansome & Broadway. As usual the food was great and it was lots of fun. I haven’t been to all of them, but I usually try to go whenever I’m at Macworld. As always, it was organized by Jon Pugh and Adam Engst. I donated a few copies of LoJack for Laptops, which were given away as swag.

My day 3 pictures are now up here.

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