Macworld Day 4

The last day of the show is crazy even though the crowd is smaller. I got a lot more swag today since everyone wanted to get rid of stuff. I spent most of the afternoon in Moscone West, where the smaller and more fun booths were. One company was selling headphones half price. I got a very nice set of iPhone compatible in-ear buds for $10.

EA was showing Spore, which they claim will ship “sometime this year”. It’s been in development for 4 years, by the author of The Sims.

Guitar Hero III drew the biggest crowds. One kid was playing for over an hour. I finally got a chance to try it and I found the guitar controller more comfortable to use than the Wii, although it isn’t wireless.

My hotel internet is still down, so I’m now blogging from the Apple store.

My day 4 pics are up now.

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