After a week in review, I finally got an email from Apple today saying that version 1.3.1 was rejected because:
Removr has the UIFileSharingEnabled key set to true in the Info.plist, but this feature is not functional.
When file sharing is enabled, the entire Documents folder is used for file sharing. Files that that are not intended for user access via the file sharing feature should be stored in another part of your application’s bundle. If your application does not require the file sharing feature, the UIFileSharingEnabled key in the Info.plist should not be set to true.
Removr does use file sharing to allow levels to be added using our level editor. I changed the way it works since the last version. Previously, I copied the internal level database to the document folder where it could be edited. I now look for files with the extension leveldb and add them as additional levels. For the benefit of the reviewers, I’ve also provided a sample level file.
I had originally intended 1.3.1 as an intermediate update to add some new levels & achievements while I perfected that feature, so I had it temporarily disabled, since I figure not too many people were using it. After I submitted it, I contined to work on that feature in a way to lay the groundwork for in-app purchasing, as well as creating new levels.
The newly re-submitted Removr 1.3.1 now has 100 levels instead of 96 with fully-functional file sharing. Hopefully this one won’t take too long to approve.