Links for 2011-5-10 through 2011-5-14:
- Is Nathan Myhrovld’s Intellectual Ventures behind the iOS in-app purchase patent troll job? Intellectual Ventures was founded in part by former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold. The company’s business model is simple – it purchases and applies for a ton of patents. It then licenses out those patents to others under the threat of litigation coupled with a promise not to sue if a deal is struck.
- Setting up an Amazon EC2 instance: A beginner’s guide
- How to have personality: Lessons from Trader Joe’s 1.4 million price tags – Matt Inouye Trader Joe’s knows marketing. They don’t want you to know this however. Their displays, signage, and advertising (including their kitschy “Fearless Flyer” newsletter) all convey the message that Trader Joe’s is just like the simple grocery store of yesteryear–healthy food, friendly staff, and a store that has a personality.
- CocosBuilder – Graphical Interface Builder for Cocos2D CocosBuilder is a free graphical editor for building scene graphs in Cocos2D (iPhone & Mac). With CocosBuilder you can visually layout your objects and load them with a single line of code. Please note that this is still a very early version, the interface is very unpolished and it probably contains lots of bugs. Use at your own risk!
- Qualitative Game Design [Alex Evangelou, Angry Fish Studios]
- Is Being an Indie all Fun and Games? « Majic Jungle Blog
- Huckabee pal Janet Porter believes Obama is a Soviet Spy Mike Huckabee is the scariest GOP candidate. He hides his evangelical extremism behind an aw-shucks facade so successfully that even normally astute people like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are fooled by it. There is nothing friendly about Huckabee’s beliefs, nor in his advisors like Janet Porter. Scary, scary people who wouldn’t think twice about sending liberal, secular humanists like myself to re-education camps.
Posted by Postilicious