I just got another rejection notice from Apple:

Dear Mr. Cohen,

Thank you for submitting I Can Has Cheezburger 1.5.2 & I Can Has Cheezburger (Ad Free) to the App Store. We’ve reviewed I Can Has Cheezburger 1.5.2 &I Can Has Cheezburger (Ad Free) and determined that we cannot post these versions of your iPhone applications to the App Store at this time because they are not appropriately rated. Our review indicates that the applications’ contents are not consistent with the current rating. I Can Has Cheezburger 1.5.2 & I Can Has Cheezburger (Ad Free) contain user-generated content, which can include frequent mature or suggestive themes. Applications must be rated accordingly for the highest level of content that the user is able to access.

Please visit iTunes Connect to resubmit your binaries and rate your application appropriately.

I don’t want ICHC to be rated 17+. I’d rather just pull it completely rather than continue to fight with Apple.

ICHC 1.5.2 Submitted

I’ve submitted version 1.5.2 of ICanHasCheezburger, both free & premium versions. Since I still had 1.5.1 in review, I had to reject it and replace it, which means it’s back at the beginning of the review queue. It’ll be interesting to see whether both are approved at the same time.

New features:

  • Shake to shuffle
  • Movies show web page immediately instead of click to play graphic
  • Action sheet no longer shows ‘save to photos’ for movies
  • Can now email images rather than just links in OS 3.0
  • Allows you to log into ICHC (pro version only)
  • Supports movies from Viddler at FAILblog and other sites
  • free version only shows g-rated content from FAILblog.

Email of the day

I got the following email this morning:


I really appreciate the fact that you designed and made available an app for the iPhone that shows the ICHC site. I’m not bashing you for that.

However, your unchecked ad campaign is a bit asinine. “Unibrows: since 1969” is not an ad. It’s annoying space taking designed to annoy the user into buying the 99 cent version of the app. I must say that it is effective, since I will be buying it as soon as I can get to my computer.

Anyway, thanks again. Even though you’re an ass.


[name withheld]

Sent from my iPhone

Movie FAIL

The ICHC Web site has switched from YouTube to Viddler for embedded videos. Unfortunately their videos aren’t compatible with the iPhone (even in Mobile Safari they’re broken). I currently don’t have any work-around until they can provide iPhone compatible videos.

Screenshot 2009.07.10 17.38.57.png

A ratings solution

I’ve figured out a possible solution to avoid future rejections due to “mature or suggestive” content. I can append “/tag/g-rated” to the URL for FAILblog, which will prevent it from returning any such content.

I’ll probably add that tag to the free version, allowing it to get a 4 rating, but omit it from the premium version, allowing a more mature rating. On the other hand, it may not even be necessary depending on what’s appearing at FAILblog when Apple’s review visits it.

ICHC 1.5.1 rejected

Apple has rejected the I Can Has Cheezburger 1.5.1 update due to “mature or suggestive themes”.

Thank you for submitting I Can Has Cheezburger (Ad Free) to the App Store. We’ve reviewed I Can Has Cheezburger (Ad Free) and determined that we cannot post this version of your iPhone application to the App Store at this time because it is not appropriately rated. Our review indicates that the application content is not consistent with the current rating because it contains sexual content and mature or suggestive themes.

Please visit iTunes Connect to resubmit your binary and rate your application appropriately.

The content in question was these items found at FAILblog.


ICHC Crash Fixed

We’ve reverted the server side change that was causing ICHC app to crash, so that problem should be fixed now. I’ve also I’m now catching unknown key exceptions in my XML handler, so it will no longer crash if it sees an unknown element.

Unfortunately this means the next version won’t include the ‘save to favorite’ feature, since old versions are still out there that WILL crash if the server sent the element necessary for favorites. I’m keeping that code in the application so it will ‘magically’ start working if we ever do make the server change.

I Can Has Crashes

We recently made a server change to support the favorites feature I’m adding to the upcoming ICHC update. Unfortunately it causes older versions of the app to crash, since it wasn’t able to handle the XML changes. The server change should be reverted soon, which will stop the crashes. We’ll probably use an alternate feed for the favorites feature.

I Can Has Favorites

I’ve implemented a new feature that will be in the next release of I Can Has Cheezburger Premium: Add to Favorites. You’ll need an account at It will log you in and save the current item to your favorites, which you can view in your profile.

Not all items can be saved as favorites. Movies can’t be saved as favorites & it isn’t available on all network sites.