Links for 2011-8-9 through 2011-8-19

Links for 2011-8-9 through 2011-8-19:

  • What they’re "protecting" us from – Anil Dash It's a choice whether you, or anyone else, wants to accept the falsehood that liberal values are somehow in contradiction with business success at a global scale. Indeed, it would seem that many who claim to be pro-business are trying to "save" us from exactly the inclusive, creative, tolerant values that have made America's most successful company possible. I side with the makers, the creators, and the inventors, and it's about time that the pack of clamoring would-be politicians be put on the defensive for attacking the values of those of us on this side.
  • Ex-Health Insurance Executive: Rick Scott HMO Debacle Goes Against His "Obamacare" Rhetoric – Broward/Palm Beach News – The Daily Pulp Wendell Potter — a former health care insurance executive who most recently left his post as the head of communications for CIGNA — has been following up on the Pulp's post on Florida's newest HMO policy for state employees, and agrees that the decision to allow just one HMO provider per county is a bit strange.

    The way Potter sees it, Gov. Rick Scott is now "doing exactly what he falsely claimed federal reform would do."

    Now working as a senior analyst at the Center for Public Integrity, Potter says Scott used to be at the forefront in the crusade against the so-called "Obamacare," and even though the governor wasn't dropping facts about the new program, he's doing exactly what he led people to believe would happen — limit competition.

  • online collaborative Wolof dictionary
  • 21 ways to monetize your game – blog –
  • Kuriositas: The Secret Cities of Yemen

Posted by Postilicious

Links for 2011-6-6 through 2011-7-13

Links for 2011-6-6 through 2011-7-13:

Posted by Postilicious